okay, so you’re totally in bed but I just wanted to tell you that the other day we were traipsing about battery park and I saw your school and I said FUCK, how come steve didn’t cut class like every day to go look at the really sweet scenery. and the whole escalators thing suddenly made sense too. and your long ass commute. k, that’s all. night
🙁 You’re being cryptic again, but it’s okay.
Of course not. Skin is much more resillient to damage!
And you’re missing a pretty satin bow, but I will GLADLY come over and rectify that. >:D
okay, so you’re totally in bed but I just wanted to tell you that the other day we were traipsing about battery park and I saw your school and I said FUCK, how come steve didn’t cut class like every day to go look at the really sweet scenery. and the whole escalators thing suddenly made sense too. and your long ass commute. k, that’s all. night
p.s. you should update. 😀
Because I could go to Battery Park after class and enjoy the scenery 😀 . Usually with friends and frisbee.