Going on the third and final College Trip this week. Leaving early Friday morning, coming back late Saturday night. During this shorter trip, we’ll be visiting upstate colleges (SUNYs and Cornell stick out in my mind). Nothing grand, but it’s not like I had a shot at going to those Ivies anyway. Regardless, it’ll be […]
Month: March 2005
More self-imposed rule breaking? Blasphemy!
SarcasticSteven (1:05:13 PM): if you took the last three days and isolated them, you’d think i had a social life SarcasticSteven (1:05:20 PM): it’s blowing my mind And by three days, I meant Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. That shows you how long I’ve been meaning to post, but kept back because of the deadly duo […]
Yes, just a misspelling…
So that’s what it feels like to truly worry. To feel as if the whole world is full of dangers, of evil people lurking in the shadows. To put your complete trust in that person, leaving not a drop for anyone else. To want to let go, but find yourself gripping even tighter. To fear […]
“They know, and you should too, otherwise one day she’s going to bring it up and you’re going to be sleeping on the couch.”
Male bus drivers know everything. It’s scary. American Studies has always been a mixed bag. On one hand, the teachers give out homework by the buttload, and when you’re being ass-fed for two terms, your large intestine and anus stretch to the point where a buttload is a lot. Projects are almost always late-night affairs, […]
I oughta have a drum and pink fur
The first week back is over. It had its ups and downs, the ups being time with her and finding out that my little brother got into baby CTY, and the downs being the difficult American Studies and AP Compsci tests. I could use another vacation.
Time to use some of those minutes
Interesting. Anger keeps me awake. I might have hit the mother of all mind discipline techniques. We’ll see how it holds up over time (there’ll be plenty of instances to test it, I guarantee you).
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