Off to New York for the weekend for Digital Life. Will be playing Halo 3 with two linked 360s 😀 .
Month: September 2007
spanish cousin’s mother – Industrial Age + modern chersónisos tou aímou – bumble – airnet quote
You don’t have to worry about overstepping your bounds when you’ve got diarrhea of the mouth.
is to be human – Yoú – roar, rewind, replay red rover record + you see?
She always told me that she wanted to make me confident in myself. She wanted to make me believe that I was as smart, sweet, witty and cute as she thought I was. I had always thought that somewhere out there, there would be someone who did find my jokes funny, and my quirks cute, […]
On seeming a little weird, but not giving yourself away
Always…and never. Now all that’s left is just to keep holding my head up high and try to find a decent engine.
Soñando, deseando, haciendo
Rising Stuyvesant sophmores used to be required to take Drafting 1, and were then required to take either Drafting 2/Honors Drafting or Introduction to Computer Science. For once in my life, I went past the call of duty by not only taking Honors Drafting, but Intro to Compsci at the same time. To top it […]
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