Category: General


My life has been marked by lack of ambition. There is simply nothing I want thoroughly and continuously enough to diligently work for it day after week after month after year. I want things that make me happy, but that isn’t the same as needing them. The distinction between want and need was one instilled […]

Japan, to

Sure, I let the end of my junior year go by without a single word to reminisce. And my summer web development job. And my trip back to NYC. But all of that was the prelude to the main event, my trip to Japan. I leave tomorrow (today, Friday, really) and will be gone for […]

Anime Boston 09

This year was the first time I really got my full share of Anime Boston. The past two years I went to the convention, I simply milled about the dealer’s room and Artist’s Alley, perusing the wares with the presence of mind to only pick out a few select gifts for friends. The convention was […]

Procrastination is the only reason this post is here to begin with

Junior year is a scant few days away from coming to an end. Three finals and a paper, and I’ll be a free man, facing a trip back to NYC that coincides with jury duty, some more rest and relaxation surrounding Anime Boston, and then an internship in Massachusetts. God that paragraph makes me puke. […]

*takes them down to where the grass is green and the girls are pretty*

They [robots] operate based on programs which, no matter how complex, follow rules. As broad as the scope of these rules may be, they are unable to do something that they have not been programmed to do. Human responsibility is derived from our ability to act outside of our scope: to recognize what we are […]

SELECT * FROM pokeballs WHERE = “Pikachu”

For my databases class we need to design a photo-sharing website, along the lines of Flickr. Users can register and upload photos, assign tags to them, search photos by name or tags, and have photos recommended to them based on the tags. Someone asked whether we would be given stock photos to upload to our […]

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