AP English Teacher on the Iliad:
“Achilles is a man with an MBA in manslaughter.”
Me on the Iliad:
SarcasticSteven: zeus was hatin on the trojans
SarcasticSteven: and hera’s like “oh no, don’t be hurtin mah homeboys”
SarcasticSteven: so she gets a plan to subdue zeus
SarcasticSteven: and she’s like “i want your cock”
SarcasticSteven and he’s like “damn! none of my other bitches be that horny!”
SarcasticSteven: like this one trojan was like “your moms are whores!”
SarcasticSteven: and so this achaean was like “don’t be sayin nothin about my momma!”
SarcasticSteven: and he thrusts a spear through the guy’s eye, coming out of his skull the other side
SarcasticSteven: then he beheads him and holds the head up high, with the spear still in it
SarcasticSteven: and he’s like “tell his dad that his son’s a pussy! achaeans represent!”
SarcasticSteven: and the trojans bounce
So as you can see, AP English is just fine. I get to sleep when the teacher isn’t breaking English teacher norms, and the Iliad is chock full of random people being randomly killed in grotesque ways. I hear Canterbury Tales is a lot racier, but the Iliad is still good stuff.
I snooped around and found layouts to give the site and the photo gallery graphical overhauls. I felt it was due for a change after nearly two months of inactivity. I’ve been primarily neglecting it because there have been a lot of things hanging over my head, and I play games to get away from that. And it just so happens that I like games that pull me in, so I’ve been spending a lot of time gaming and not a lot of time thinking.
Stay tuned; the next post will have pictures.
Holy shit! This is hot. Mmm, hot. I like it, a lot. Although I will miss your sexy canon quotes. 🙁 I guess the quote baton has been passed, eh? *admires the pretty pictures*
I like it too.
I was thinking of adding the quote to the sidebar, but it didn’t really work. I spent a while collecting all of them; they’ll be missed. *chucks baton in your general direction*
iliad? huh? *yawns*
what were you just sayin? it kinda slipped pass my ears for a mo’
People die in the Iliad, but my site is given life.
correction: people die READING the iliad
i’m so glad we’re done with the iliad and only had to read certain books of it. we’re on hamlet now. it’s pretty great. honestly, the iliad was just a bunch of dead people and abused women. pretty great, come to think of it…
*smirks and nods*
Greek stuff is awesome- this reminds me horribly of my literature class which completly makes fun of the Greek/Roman works that we are studying there. Sweet stuff indeed.
Don’t the holes remind you of swiss cheese? 🙂 They do for me.
I was thinking of a wiffleball.