Even the naive get tired when the only progress to be made is negative. Luckily nothing ever breaks; instead, incompatibilities are discovered. The ideal was worthwhile, but ultimately it belongs solely to the mellow.
Month: November 2007
Any changes above this line will be discarded by mipsmark. Put your answer between the dashed lines.
If anyone was curious, the stack you use when coding in MIPS is indeed finite. Possibly the only question my buggy code will answer, rather than create.
Hot dog champ – .russian – Japanese small forest + altleft
Strangely, the closest I came to crying over her was when she was being cursed out. As with all instances of tearing, I was split between wanting to embrace it and suppress it. It all came about from a thought that had been stubbornly persistent: if I could go back one year, would the knowledge […]
Fireman’s hatchet variation + Penny
Unconsciously giving a Southern drawl to a West Indies plantation owner during a play reading in Writing 150 was totally unexpected but surprisingly fun once I realized what I was doing.
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