Finals week (which should really be called midterms week) is over, and it went off without too much trouble. At least in the sense that I got through all of them without dying. I fell asleep during the first half of the AP Compsci final at least twice, causing me to miss a question, but I caught it when I checked my answers. I also fell asleep numerous times during the English Regents, prompting the proctor to walk up to me and ask, “Are you okay? You want a drink of water? You must be really tired…” I avoided eye contact.

I also went out twice during the course of finals week, and though there was only one web-worthy picture for the first outing, I had an armful from the second, so the second thumbnail will lead you to the album instead of the picture.

332|1Monkey business

My classes turned out very well this term. Almost all my teachers have gotten good reviews from my friends, and they seem cool. Physics shouldn’t be as much of a problem, as a result. Our teacher’s actually pretty fun. In the fifteen minute class we had today, he came into class before us and tied a rope to the sink at one side of the room and went to the other side of the room holding the other end of the rope. He wouldn’t say a word, he just stood there while we filed in. Once we were all seated, he pressed play on a boombox that was next to him, and Whip It started playing.
Crack that whip *lash*
Give the past the slip *lash*
Then after the line, “Now whip it,” he ran to the board and slid one of them across to reveal another board saying “CRACK THAT WHIP!!!” We then looked to the ropes that had been strung along our tables, and we all started whipping them. This was to demonstrate waves, the first topic we’ll be covering this term 😀 .

2 comments on CACAW!

  1. Bah. We got to play “teps” [or however it is spellt] with Squish, my Gropatron3000 in Ap Physics today. I don’t think you can beat that. *gloat*

    And you are starting with waves. Thats strange. What about mechanics?

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