Month: November 2004

My one and only

This is my early New Year’s Resolution. I’m not going to think about her with lamentation anymore. It’s an interesting title though. One almost doesn’t know which of the two I’m referring to. YOU & I BOTH words & music by jason mraz Was it you who spoke the words that things would happen but […]

Some food for thought

First, the art. Edit: And a little extra. ilikemiself24 (9:20:26 PM): Hey you were on my buddy list. Who is this? SarcasticSteven (9:20:52 PM): you’re not on mine SarcasticSteven (9:20:55 PM): i’m not on yours ilikemiself24 (9:21:02 PM): 😉 SarcasticSteven (9:21:24 PM): could you please repeat something after me? ilikemiself24 (9:21:33 PM): i dont remembe […]

“…when suddenly this fridgerator comes out of nowhere and lands on my head…”

“…which is why I’m here.” The move was performed by my host in less than 24 hours after I requested it late at night. The MySQL alterations were performed by me in less than ten minutes. I’ve got this domain for a year, so I’m here to stay. Three men are standing at the gate […]

Estoy saliendo

I will try to inform everyone that I know visits the site, but because some of you may be lurkers, I’m taking extra pains to inform you as well. will be moving to . Yes, it’s longer, but I’m willing to risk a greater chance of getting carpal tunnel syndrome for greater ease […]

Lo siento

266|1 I still don’t have time for a real post, but the pictures from the College Trip should give you an idea of what transpired during my absence. It was fun, to say the least. Yes, even this was fun. Not to mention we had six CTYers including myself, two of which sat right by […]

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